Marie Winn expresses her ideas about how television is so deeply intwined into our culture. Winn explains how television is hurting our social and mental life. "Television with take over your way of living and chain your children's habits, but this change can be a wonderful improvement," claimed another commentator. ( Marie Winn, 50 Essays, 2011). Winn states that people who first bought the television must be wealthy, because they were more expensive. Winn examines the quality of life of the families that are watching television for many hours a day. The author describes that there is less social interaction between family members and that there is less time to have family activities. Winn describes that having less time for family events and socializing can have harmful effects on the children. One of the examples Winn used was Bruno Bettelheim, who described the social difficulties the child would develop because of watching television for many hours. Bettelheim wrote about the "connection of the actor and the audience" and how they lose valuable traits used to socialize with "real" people. Winn states that television is not the only main force the is destroying families, but it does have a large impact in everyday life.
"Television the Plug-in Drug" by Marie Winn ( pp. 438-447 in 50 Essays)
Where the picture is taken from.
Very interesting!!